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This website is the currency in the Asia Pacific Investment Bank official website, is a bridge of communication, the currency in the Asia Pacific Investment Bank with colleagues to contact, is the social friends from all walks of life a window to understand the currency in the Asia Pacific Investment Bank, we obtain a platform for Asia Pacific currencies the investment bank information.

We are in the history of a moment full of hope and opportunity. The achievements of the Asia Pacific economy in the past decades and the better and better economic development prospects provide us with an unprecedented opportunity. The Asia Pacific monetary investment bank will be based on Asia Pacific, serve the whole world and promote the common prosperity of the world. These goals are ambitious, but success will not come automatically. The developed countries are still faced with high unemployment and low economic growth in developing countries, economic growth began to slow, conflict and political instability is the main risk, and expand the warming will cause sea level rise and the widespread occurrence of drought and arid areas, increase the frequency of

occurrence of extreme weather, brought to life and property can not be expected loss. But I am still optimistic that I can achieve the goal of promoting the common prosperity of the world. This requires the joint efforts of the Asia Pacific Investment Bank, the countries of the Asia Pacific region and other partners to

carry out systematic and unremitting cooperation. To cope with future development challenges, we need to better tap and utilize the synergies of all Asian monetary and investment banking institutions, focusing our resources on limited areas. The Asia Pacific monetary and investment bank will focus on helping partners, countries, institutions and individuals in Asia Pacific region to improve and invest in energy, environment, infrastructure, health, education and business environment.

To promote the common prosperity of all parties need to unremittingly efforts, the currency in the Asia Pacific Investment Bank is currently working with a number of countries and institutions, the leadership of the currency in the Asia Pacific Investment Bank and the commitment of all the staff full of wit will maximize grasp this opportunity to help the construction of There was no parallel in history., a people looking forward to the New Asia Pacific, a beautiful, popular shared prosperity in the Asia Pacific region.
We will be in accordance with the guiding ideology of "based on the Asia Pacific, global services, work together, temper endeavour, dedication to the spirit of service to write a new chapter in the currency in the Asia Pacific Investment Bank, the new historical period of sustainable development!

Chairman and President of Asia-Pacific money investment bank:


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Asia Pacific Currency Investment Bank

Mailbox: rxtouzi88@163.com
URL: www.ythbyh.com