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The currency in the Asia Pacific Investment Bank Governor General Office of the State Council to visit von Xiangshan and former deputy director of Xin Yuan school

来源:搜扑互联   发布时间: 2016-12-09 07:34:15   浏览:3172次  字号: [大] [中] [小] [收藏]

Left: a former deputy director of the general office of the State Council, former Vice Minister of Ministry of transport and monetary investment banking school Xin Yuan Feng Xiangshan chairman and President of Asia Pacific Region

In September 7, 2017, the Asia Pacific region currency investment bank chairman Feng Xiangshan president to visit Diaoyutai State Guest House General Office of the State Council, former deputy director, former Vice Minister of Ministry of transport of Xin Yuan Xin Yuan, Vice Minister of the school by the warm reception.
   Xin Yuan school vice minister of monetary investment bank in the Asia Pacific region and the establishment of Feng Xiangshan governor Lu Ren expressed warm congratulations. Xin Yuan school emphasized in 2015, Premier Li Keqiang signed the State Council Order No. 657th, issued the "State Council on Amending the People's Republic of China regulations on the management of foreign banks" decision ", the" decision "in the new situation comprehensively deepen reform, to foreign banks active implementation of further liberalization measures, mainly according to the actual situation of foreign capital the bank to set up operations in the country, in the premise to ensure effective supervision, appropriate to relax the access of foreign banks and RMB business conditions for foreign banks to set up operations to provide more relaxed and independent system environment. In terms of relaxing the access conditions of foreign banks, the decision of the branches of wholly foreign-owned banks and Sino foreign joint venture banks in China shall no longer stipulate the minimum amount of working capital allocated by the head office to the foreign banks. A wholly foreign-owned bank and a Sino foreign joint venture bank can effectively configure operating funds between their branches according to their own actual business needs. Meanwhile, it is no longer necessary to set up a representative office in China as a condition for foreign banks (foreign financial institutions) to establish wholly foreign-owned banks and Sino foreign joint venture banks in China, and the conditions for foreign banks to establish branches in China for the first time. After the cancellation of this condition, a foreign bank (a foreign financial institution) can choose a representative office to set up a business institution in China. Currency investment bank in the Asia Pacific region in the United States approved and registered in Hongkong accounts, legal compliance in full compliance with the State Council and the China requirements of the CBRC, the establishment of currency investment bank in the Asia Pacific region will play an important role in promoting the construction of Asia Pacific president Feng Xiangshan, you did a marvelous thing.
   President Feng Xiangshan said that the Asia Pacific region currency investment bank is to a Unicom world financial platform to support the Asia Pacific construction, key livelihood projects to build the Asia Pacific region, which will greatly promote the Asia Pacific region and the world economic development and construction, we will provide the fund service is consistent from beginning to end of large and medium-sized enterprises in Asia Pacific region. Our Asia Pacific monetary investment bank's aim is "based in Asia, China Unicom world, global services, once again thank the Vice Minister of the school in the Asia Pacific region Xin Yuan currency investment bank support and help. After the meeting, the Deputy Minister of Xin Yuan school accepted the invitation of       President von Xiangshan served as honorary president of currency investment bank in the Asia Pacific region.



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